Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kristen's Senior Pictures

Kristen came out to Utah this summer and we were a great time going around down town Logan to do her Senior Portraits.

Kristen-thanks for letting me do these! I had a ton of fun getting to hang out with you. You are an awesome girl and I hope you have an awesome senior year!!!

So grown up!

Ashley, I loved doing your senior pictures. I just put your portfolio in the mail. Get excited, your pictures are coming and these are just a few of tons of great pictures. This was my first "friend session", for senior pictures. I took Ashley's and my sisters at the same time. We laughed the whole time. It really was tricky to do the serious pictures because we were having so much fun being silly the whole session.


So this is my friends little guy. He is so dang cute! He just learned to sit up like 2 days before I moved, so we squeezed this session in. I'm so glad I was able to take these. Just look at this guy, don't you just want to hold him and hug him forever! Enjoy your pictures!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Logan Family Pictures!

Logan Days! This cute family lived in my ward boundaries in Logan. This family was so much fun to work with. I could not stop taking pictures of their cute kids! Enjoy you pictures!